Hawaii Car Shipping

Car Transport

 Hawaii Car Shipping

So you have decided to move to Hawaii and what about your vehicle? Well, you have two options to consider when you want to ship your car to Hawaii. The first choice is to put the vehicle inside the sea container together with your personal belongings or ship your vehicle separately with a Hawaii Car Shipping Company.

Hawaii car shipping information:

Shipping Time

To ship your car to Hawaii could take from 7 to 40 days from the West Coast to Hawaii. The amount of time needed may exceed when you want your vehicle to be shipped to the port in the west coast.

Shipping Rules 

Hawaii Car Shipping

Hawaii Car Shipping

• Goods might not be shipped within the vehicle
• Only the spare tires, the jack, and other items that were installed by the manufacturer would be inside the vehicle
• Your car must not have more than ¼ container of gas
• Your car should be in the running order, neat and is not leaking
• Your car can’t have damaged or cracked windshields and windows
• The car should not be either with license or is eligible for licensure for operation on highways or public roads

Average Cost of Shipping Your Car

You might be required to spend at least $1100 so you can safely ship your car from the West Coast going to Hawaii. From Hilo to Seattle, could range between $1.000 to $1757.00. These include costs from port to port, including yourself delivering your car and picking it up upon arrival to final destination.

The total cost of shipping a vehicle to Hawaii would differ depending on the location where the car came from.

For example, when is from LA, the average cost of shipping will be around $1,000. Small cars also would cost a bit less, and the larger cars like SUVs and minivans would cost a bit more. The larger expense would be getting the car to Los Angeles, depending on the place where you reside.

A more expensive car shipping quote would depend on how far is your city from Hawaii. Also, depending on the weather conditions, shipping a car could take about 6 weeks for the car to reach Hawaii. In the worst case scenario, this will normally take 3 weeks before it reaches to its final destination.

All States Car Transport – Hawaii Car Shipping

Our representatives are here to help you with any questions regarding your car shipping needs. We have affordable prices available for you with seasonal discounts depending on the car shipping method you need. We offer open car carrier, enclosed car transportation, international shipping, exotic car transport, classic car transport, and many more options ready for your shipping needs. Give us a call at 1-877-320-2758 or visit Hawaii Free quote.

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Great customer service once again.

This was my second time using your company and I can say that I am still just as satisfied as i was the first time. This time, we shipped my sons car back from(…)

Brittany J.
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